Monday, December 22, 2008

Mirror of God

In my prayer time today God gave me a fresh sight of what He means by us being salt and light. I have used the analogy before that we are like the moon, but wasn't able to personalize it enough. I see us better now as mirrors. There are 2 things that have to happen for a mirror to be used properly. First, it needs to be at the right angle to reflect the light or image. If I am living my life at my own pace, at my own whims and according to my own desires, the angle of that mirror is off. I am not reflecting God to this world but a hideous distortion of Him and myself. So my first issue is to get the mirror off of myself and angle it or point it towards God. The second issue to deal with is the reflectivity of the mirror. In other words, how clean and clear is the glass so that the image or light being portrayed is clear and perceivable. Have I let the world come up and dirty up the glass? Have I myself begun to not keep it up. We are told to work out our salvation with fear and trembling in Philippians 2. I see keeping this mirror clean as one of those items we need to work at. Again, with the mirror not clean, as with the bad angle, what is seen is distorted and confusing. Is that not a picture of this world today? Do they not have a distorted and confused view of the Christian community as a whole? Do they not then pass that on to their interpretation of God? Brothers and sisters, what are we reflecting in our lives and claiming "it's Jesus!"????????

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