Sunday, August 8, 2010
Why Christ?
I have had many opportunities to share with others about our Jesus. I have had a broad (but typical) set of responses. Challenges to actual sinfulness, divinity of Christ, why blood, why Christ and many other things. The facts are very simple but yet we apply faulty logic to the situation. Logic, that if used anywhere else in life, we would be ridiculed and appear as great fools. Yet, for some reason, in matters dealing with our eternal destination we apply this faulty logic and somehow it's OK there?! I want to take this time to talk about a few discussions I have had over the past several years with some people. First off, many people challenge the laws of God, they question the sanity, validity and reasoning or logic that brought them into being. One such law is the penalty of sin. We have this flaw in our rebellious human thinking that says we are allowed to question, rebel and reject laws we don't agree with or like. There are many laws, absolutes if you will, that we have complete faith in on a daily basis - in fact we depend on them for our existence. Take gravity for example, how many of you have woke up in the morning with an overwhelming passion and angst against gravity? We don't ever do that, we trust it. In fact, most of what gravity is can't be truly explained in detail - but that doesn't cause us to doubt it or test it in different ways - we accept it as a higher law of physics. My belief or lack of belief in something does not change it's state of being or it's validity or my subjection to it. I can believe all I want that gravity isn't real but when I jump off the cliff I am painfully aware of this law I challenged all my life. It's the same with other laws of God. The law of blood to cover for sins is a law of God. To break God's law, that life is required of them. I didn't create this law and someone's choice to believe in it or act according to it doesn't change the law or it's truth. The same as my challenge or intellectual attack on a 30 MPH speed limit will not change the fine amount when I break it. In God's gracious nature, He set up a way to fulfill the law, should someone choose to follow the prescription. He set up a response to the law of blood that says that someone can take our place. We understand this somewhat clearly, there are many people out there that I would gladly stand up for to protect them from the consequences of breaking a law - but there are also many people I wouldn't stand up for in breaking a law. God did that personally for us - out of His love for us He sent His Son to die for us and take the punishment of the sins we have chose to let rule over our lives. The other part of Christ dieing for us is that He died for all. He perfectly lived and did not deserve one ounce of the punishment my sins, or even the sins of the world. He was and is the only one to have lived this life perfect and thereby able to carry all of our sins away and remove them from us should we ask Him. Even though many choose to curse His name, many choose to blaspheme Him, insult Him and spit in His face - He died for them also. Knowing that in some way or at some time they would truly see He truly loved them and has been seeking to get back in a relationship with them. He is so passionate about it that He went to the extreme to come here as a man, show us the way in a world full to the brim with false ways we have created to get to Him. Coming here as a man, and setting aside his rights and privileges as the Almighty God He, Jesus, showed us the way to finally and perfectly enter back into communion with our Creator. What a beautiful story of love - I can't see a more perfect example of unconditional love but that of Jesus. He came while I hated Him and died so that at some time I would respond to His goodness and love Him back and become close to Him again. God established this gift that all I need to do is accept it. To accept it is to begin to follow God, just as we were intended to do. But, just as with any gift in our lives, we can choose to not accept it. It is truly a choice. The sad thing is that we run around in our pride and arrogance trying to prove that we can get to heaven or get to God in our own prescribed way. That's incredibly foolish - but yet many people subscribe to this lifestyle. If you had never met me and you get a phone call one day that says come to my house and then I hung up that's pretty cruel. There is no other information and now you are set out to hunt down who I am, where I live and somehow get there. That's cruelty beyond what I could imagine - it's an unattainable goal! But God - He loved us enough to not only call us to Him, but give us directions and instructions to guide us safely to Him. What will our choice be? Continue to challenge the absolute truths we are presented with or accept them knowing that we truly need what is being offered? All have sinned, we have to do something about it. We can't carry it - we have proven that over an over again. It's a weight we can't bear. We attempt to cover the pain and frustration from doing it but in the end, we are still trying to do something about it on our own. We have a gift that is free to us - we need only accept it and begin walking it out. What's your choice?
Centrality of Christ,
I love Jesus,
Jesus Christ,
Sola Cristos,
Yahweh Shua,
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