Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Abortion is murder..........

On my way home today, I drove by three people peacefully holding signs up that said "choice is murder" and "when a mother chooses abortion, she kills her child" and "abortion: america's holocaust". Signs with messages I fully agree with, I can think of many other things that are true pertaining to abortion. I really have no problem with that raw truth. I began to think about what they were doing though. In many ways I don't really see what they are trying to accomplish. Because stating raw fact is only part of the solution. I am all about telling someone what the problem is, but there is no point in that if you aren't stating the solution to that problem. I bet if you were to take a poll of the women who have had abortions, you wouldn't have to go too far into it to find that they truly knew what they were doing. Abortion is a selfish and fearful thing, there is no doubt about that but if you cover it with rationalization you have the recipe for one of the most accepted, heinous and delusional crimes committed in this country, the murder of a truly innocent child that God ordained to be conceived before time began. But you say, "she was raped and conceived, how could you make her look at the product of such a horrible event" Are you telling me that committing murder so you don't want to possibly deal with a bad memory? Continue on, and see that there is a solution to the root problem. These poor women are being lured into a false solution to a "problem" and are so lost, confused and fearful. They don't need a sign, they need a Saviour. They need to know that if they have aborted a baby (or few) they don't have to hold that guilt or that pain anymore, there is forgiveness, there is peace to remove the pain and weight of that choice. The women who haven't committed that abortion yet, they don't have to go through with it. God WILL provide, He always does, we just don't look for it or trust Him enough to ask. There are always some who may say "well the baby would probably be better off" that may be so, but who are we to decide that?! God has a perfect plan for each of His creations. And it is humanism that says we have the right to choose when our last breath is. Friends, if I still draw breath, God has a purpose for every atom in my lungs. The same is true for that life inside the scared and confused mother. I can name many people who were used powerfully and mightily by our awesome God who were illegitimate or abandoned. They never would have been had they been murdered in the safest place God designed, the womb. There are people in my church that I know are here today because the mother chose to trust God outside the abortion clinic. Sure, it was an overwhelming situation, an unwanted or unplanned for pregnancy, but God will provide. Reliant K says it so simply "don't ever underestimate my Jesus"

To those who have or are considering an abortion and don't know this God, know this, He is here for you and cares for you and for that life. Turn to Him and ask Him to give you peace and provide your needs. Follow Him today and begin to listen for His voice by talking with Him in prayer and reading His letter to us, the Bible.

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